IPA: gˈæsɪŋ
- Poisoning by noxious gas.
- The liberation of hydrogen from an overcharged battery due to electrolysis of the electrolyte.
- The process of passing cotton goods between two rollers and exposing them to numerous minute jets of gas to burn off the small fibres.
- Any similar process of singeing.
- (slang) boasting; insincere or empty talk
Examples of "gassing" in Sentences
- It's called the eradication program, as in what some call gassing parakeets.
- That was impressive with all the toxic fumes off-gassing from the new products.
- lying to Americans about Iraq and WMD- What do you call gassing his own people?
- The purpose of "gassing" is to let the soldier know how well the gas mask works.
- Indeed, the idea of gassing the unwanted became a topic of contemporary chitchat.
- And so the reason that they went to this propane kind of gassing, that doesn't necessarily set off a lot of red flags.
- The FBI was duplicitous and negligent in gassing Mt. Cannel – and that alone could have started the fire that killed seventy-six people.
- It wasn’t disproved, no matter how hard you wish otherwise.l ying to Americans about Iraq and WMD- What do you call gassing his own people?
- Of the four claims he makes, only the "gassing" is difficult to explain I suspect it might be partly related to the use of napalm type weapons in Iraq.