IPA: gˈoʊʃɝi
- (countable) A socially tactless or awkward act.
- (uncountable) Lack of tact; tactlessness; awkwardness.
Examples of "gaucherie" in Sentences
- But he has allowed his enemies to represent him as a figure of immense gaucherie, cynicism, and stupidity.
- A few men suppress coughs, but most people in the room are hard of hearing, so the minor gaucherie passes without notice.
- Malcolm Turnbull, was to be my morning blast today – but even shades of his amazing gaucherie has failed to make the passing grade.
- We've looked the other way at the gaucherie of extreme consumption, spawned by the greatest concentration of wealth since the 1920s.
- No one has ever accused Trump of being a slave to dignity, but this public quibbling over the size of his bank account raises the bar on gaucherie.
- If anyone has the gaucherie to point out the left's nearly unblemished record of rooting against America, liberals turn around and scream "McCarthyism!"
- Bihar chief minister Nitish Kumar today described the behaviour of MPs in Parliament over the issue of increasing their salaries as "gaucherie", saying this gives a wrong impression about those who are in politics.
- At which Sir Charles burst out into a yelling laugh, and made me blush not a little at my gaucherie; for the fact is, seeing him in the condition in which he was, I could not help speculating upon the chance a man of spirit might have with his widow.