IPA: gˈeɪnʌs
- (rare, dated, uncountable) The state of being gay (colorful or festive); display or dressiness.
- (rare, dated, countable) The state of being gay (cheerful); gaiety.
- (uncountable) The state of being gay (homosexual); homosexuality.
Examples of "gayness" in Sentences
- Ward†™ s please print this my gayness is so open.
- IMO, the most likely cause of gayness is irregular hormonal fluctuations in the womb.
- Accepting gayness is okay if nothing can be done, but helping them overcome it much better.
- You may think that your gayness is the reason for all the bad things that have happened to you.
- Moneyrunner: You may think that your gayness is the reason for all the bad things that have happened to you.
- You cannot on one hand tell foks how good gayness is then in the same breath use gayness as an insult andhave any crediblity.
- If gayness is a choice and these folks should simply avoid a “behavior,” what happens to marriages in which gay people marry heterosexually?
- Why is it so important for gays to trumpet their gayness from the hilltops how does this encourage a cohesive military which seeks the highest levels of excellence??
- For the left gayness is ok, even normative, as long as it is * not* closeted and does * not* include selling silence or acquiescing in homophobic rants for money or tax breaks.
- On the other hand, to the extent that a constructivist position can be transformed into a position that gayness is a "free" choice, it can be the grounds for arguing that the choice ought not to be made (Sedgwick, 41).