
IPA: dʒʌɫˈætʌnʌs


  • Jelly-like.
  • Of or referring to gelatin.

Examples of "gelatinous" in Sentences

  • It was slippery, Bennett said, much more "gelatinous" than his previous squid quarry.
  • Whatever their substance may have been, it is described as gelatinous -- "soapy and jellied."
  • Her tiny transparent feet, covered in gelatinous skin, look like those of some aquatic creature.
  • Blacks were dehumainzed just as fetuses Latin for baby were originally described as gelatinous globs.
  • Oh, and is it just me, or does that goat/sheep's head is surrounded by some kind of gelatinous substance?
  • These stains are called gelatinous plaques, which are transparent and invisible to the naked eye except when colored by iodine.
  • Packer says that the Senate is "gelatinous" and "stagnant" and he spent time in the Senate and found that "everything happens there except deliberation."
  • People who knew Backhouse described him variously as "gelatinous," "deranged" and "the most remarkable scoundrel ever known in the Far East, which is saying a lot."
  • "The fact that the supposed deposits were so uniformly described as gelatinous substance forms a presumption in favor of the supposition that they had the origin ascribed to them."

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