
IPA: dʒˈɛnʌtˈɪpɪk


  • Of or pertaining to a genotype

Examples of "genotypic" in Sentences

  • Mendellian genetics only describes the most basic of genotypic relationships.
  • HIV genotypic resistance testing ordered when treatment is initiated, changed, and when there is evidence of treatment failure.
  • There she coordinated the Drosophila genetics research and resumed her studies of phenotypic and genotypic structures of wild populations of Drosophila.
  • Interacting embryonic processes result in an initial level of phenotypic variation greater than what would be predicted from underlying genotypic variation alone.2
  • By the way, most of the sources of phenotypic (and genotypic) variation that provide the raw material for natural selection are clearly and unambiguously not random
  • By the way, most of the sources of phenotypic (and genotypic) variation that provide the raw material for natural selection are clearly and unambiguously not random.
  • So here we have a case where there is phenotypic variation caused by genotypic variation, but the heritability of this variation is zero because of the non-linear relationship between genotype and fitness.
  • He was lucky to have chosen traits in his plants that are governed by such genotypic interactions by luck; if he'd observed phenotypes influenced by polyploidy he would probably have concluded that 'god did it.'
  • In effect, the mechanism of trait transmission it postulates consists of a random generator of genotypic variants that produce the corresponding random phenotypic variations, and an environmental filter that selects among the latter according to their relative fitness.

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