IPA: dʒɛntrɪfɪkˈeɪʃʌn
- (urban studies) The renewal and rebuilding that accompanies the influx of middle class or affluent people into deteriorating areas and often displaces earlier, usually poorer, residents; any example of such a process.
Examples of "gentrification" in Sentences
- Gentrification is a process in which wealthier residents move into a neighborhood, leading to higher property values and displacing lower-income families
- The historic district saw rapid gentrification as trendy coffee shops and boutiques replaced long-time businesses
- Many residents fear that gentrification will erase the unique cultural identity of their community
- The debate over gentrification pits developers seeking profit against residents seeking to preserve affordable housing
- Gentrification often results in increased rent prices, making it difficult for long-time residents to afford to stay in their own neighborhood