
IPA: dʒˈɛnjʌwʌnɫi


  • In a genuine manner; truthfully, truly.

Examples of "genuinely" in Sentences

  • Dorothy sighed, her expression genuinely penitent.
  • But Mary genuinely is evolved enough to embrace everyone and everything here.
  • Barr says he wants to raise issues from what he calls a genuinely conservative perspective.
  • Even in genuinely “blighted” areas, condemnation is extremely problematic, often leading to the expulsion of poor and minority populations to benefit more influential groups.
  • That's because I write that Stalin genuinely wished to be useful to his country, but judging by the results of his mistakes, the fruits of his - and the country's - pre-war labor were lost.
  • Page 5 (Again, really only Page 4, unless a blue cover with the title genuinely composes an entire page of literature.), is captioned, "Provides Universal Access to Health Care and Secures Entitlements."
  • And it was a time where it seemed to me that if we were going to depict violence, that we would be obliged, really, to depict it accurately, with the kind of terrible, frightening volume that one sees when one genuinely is confronted by violence.
  • John McCain genuinely cares about this country .... yes, it was two flaming liberals as a choice ... however, Obama's agenda is to change the country into something unrecognizable using "recession, economy, and healthcare," as cover stories for his political goals.

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