IPA: dʒˈioʊdˈʌk
- (uncountable) The species of large saltwater clam Panopea generosa, native to the northeast Pacific coasts from Alaska to Washington State, distinguished by its deep burrowing and long unprotected siphon.
- (countable) a member of the species.
- (uncountable) its flesh as a seafood.
- (New Zealand) Other species of Panopea, especially Panopea zelandica, native to the coasts of New Zealand.
Examples of "geoduck" in Sentences
- The geoduck is a type of large clam that is native to the Pacific Northwest
- Many people are surprised by the appearance of a geoduck, with its long neck and siphon protruding from its shell
- Geoducks are considered a delicacy in some Asian cuisines, often served raw or in seafood dishes
- Harvesting geoducks requires a special permit and can be a labor-intensive process due to their deep burrowing habits
- The geoduck is known for its long lifespan, with some individuals living up to 100 years in the wild