IPA: gjˈugɑ
- A showy trifle, a toy; a showy trinket, ornament or decoration.
- Showy; unreal; pretentious.
Examples of "gewgaw" in Sentences
- Grab the first gewgaw and just do it, quick, like ripping off a Band-Aid.
- Yet, if they won, they would be buying both the gewgaw and a print-out of the story.
- Hunting through the yard sales, second hand shops, and antique malls for a gewgaw is delightful challenge.
- Alas, I cannot find it in my eleemosynary nature to weep a solitary tear for this haut bourgeois pretender and his gewgaw-bearing mate.
- I had no problems w/the scent/aroma of da Quarter (aside from Bourbon St. which I generally avoid when in town - tho 'Yesteryear's always has some gewgaw I must possess).
- For profit -- his life blood transmuted into a wine-supper, or a jewelled gewgaw, or some similar sense-orgy of the parasitic and idle rich, his masters, the arch-beasts. '
- That just seems common sense at this point: that ‘brand’ is about all the touchpoints with your customers and partners, not just your logo, and not just the latest RIA gewgaw on your homepage.
- Mathayus plans to journey to Egypt to get a mystical weapon to help him defeat the evil Sargon, but quickly learns that he must get a different magic gewgaw, the sword of Damocles, in order to kill his foe.
- Sadly, the book prizes are restricted to residents of the British isles, but as a compensation a further 3 correct entries from outwith these sceptered isles will receive a nifty wee promotional-type gewgaw currently to be decided upon.