
IPA: dʒi


  • A martial arts uniform.
  • (military) A member of the U.S. military.
  • (by extension) One who is demanding and strict, in the manner of a stereotypical member of the military.
  • Initialism of galvanized iron.
  • Initialism of geographical indication. [(law) a name or sign used on products which corresponds to a specific geographical location or origin]
  • Initialism of glycemic index. [A measure of how quickly blood sugar levels rise after eating a particular type of food, on a scale where the index of glucose or ordinary table sugar is 100.]
  • (computer graphics) Initialism of global illumination. [(computer graphics) The realistic lighting of a rendered scene by means of algorithms that take into account not only the direct illumination from light sources but also the indirect cases where light is reflected between surfaces in the scene.]


  • (military) To clean aggressively.


  • (military) Initialism of general issue. Given to a soldier by the army (as an item), rather than brought from home; or used by the army (as a procedure), and different from its civilian counterpart.
  • (medicine) Initialism of gastrointestinal. [Of or pertaining to the stomach and intestines, and thus to digestion.]
  • (US) Initialism of government issue.

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