IPA: gˈɪbɝ
- Gibberish, unintelligible speech.
- (Australia) A stone or rock, of chalcedony or similar mineral, found strewn over arid regions of inland Australia; a gibber stone.
- (Australia, colloquial) Any small rock or stone, especially one used for throwing.
- (Australia, obsolete) A large boulder or rocky outcrop; also, an overhanging rock formation.
- A balky horse.
- To jabber, talk rapidly and unintelligibly or incoherently.
Examples of "gibber" in Sentences
- The child began to gibber incoherently as his fever spiked
- I couldn't understand a word he said, it was all gibber to me
- The drunk man stumbled down the street, gibbering nonsense to anyone who would listen
- With her teeth chattering from the cold, she could only manage to gibber out a few words
- The elderly patient's medication caused her to gibber uncontrollably during the night