IPA: gɫˈɪsɪrˈaɪzʌ
- Any legume (such as liquorice) of the genus Glycyrrhiza.
Examples of "glycyrrhiza" in Sentences
- Glycyrrhiza is a plant commonly known as licorice, often used as a natural sweetener in candies and herbal teas
- The roots of the glycyrrhiza plant contain compounds that have been studied for their potential health benefits, such as anti-inflammatory properties
- Some people may experience side effects from consuming glycyrrhiza, such as elevated blood pressure or electrolyte imbalances
- In traditional Chinese medicine, glycyrrhiza is believed to tonify the spleen and harmonize the actions of other herbs in a formula
- The unique flavor of glycyrrhiza is often described as sweet and slightly bitter, adding depth to culinary dishes and medicinal preparations