IPA: gˈɔɪtɝ
- (pathology, UK) An enlargement of the front and sides of the neck caused by inflammation of the thyroid gland.
Examples of "goitre" in Sentences
- Some have even derived the word goitre from Got, or Goth; but their name,
- Fatal cases or secondary illnesses have become more and more of a rarity in goitre operations.
- The term goitre is applied clinically to any non-inflammatory enlargement of the thyreoid gland.
- At the age of 61, Bridges' rugged good looks have taken on a little more flesh, the folds under his chin - what he calls his 'goitre' - disguised by a salt-and-pepper beard.
- When the secreting elements increase out of proportion to the stroma, numerous rounded or irregular spaces filled with a thick yellow colloid material are formed in the substance of the goitre -- _colloid goitre_.
- For their sakes, therefore, I took the liberty to recommend what we call goitre pills, pretending (in order to enhance their value) that my sister had three goitres, each larger than the other, and yet at last, by means of these admirable pills, had got entirely rid of them!
- The thyroid body, situated in the neck and the enlargement of which is called goitre, secretes substances which pass into the blood, and which are necessary for the growth of the body in childhood, for the development of the mind and for the nutrition of the tissues of the skin.
- When the goitre extends behind the sternum -- the _malignant form of retro-sternal goitre_ -- the pressure symptoms are due to the encroachment upon the limited accommodation of the upper opening of the thorax; the trachea especially suffers, and the pressure on the veins causes distension of the anterior and external jugulars and their tributaries.