IPA: gˈoʊɫdfɪntʃ
- Any of several small passerine birds of the finch family
- A European goldfinch, Eurasian goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis)
- An American goldfinch (Spinus tristis, syn. Carduelis tristis)
- A Lawrence's goldfinch (Spinus lawrencei, syn. Carduelis lawrencei)
- A lesser goldfinch (Spinus psaltria, syn. Carduelis psaltria).
Examples of "goldfinch" in Sentences
- I spotted a vibrant goldfinch perched on the fence in my backyard
- The goldfinch's melodious song filled the air with sweetness
- The goldfinch's yellow plumage stood out against the green leaves of the tree
- I watched in awe as the goldfinch expertly fluttered from branch to branch
- The goldfinch's presence brought a touch of beauty to my otherwise ordinary day