IPA: grˈædʒuʌɫi
- In a gradual manner; making slow progress; slowly.
- (obsolete) by degrees
Examples of "gradually" in Sentences
- Her expression gradually softened to something kind and gentle.
- I do really think, girls, your father is gradually -- mind, I say, _gradually -- gradually_ taking leave of his senses. "
- Because one's testimony often led to his persecution or even death, the term gradually came to designate one whose witness cost him his life.
- Only after the Resurrection did the title gradually pass into a proper name, and the expression Jesus Christ or Christ Jesus became only one designation.
- It included “mental philosophy,” a term gradually replaced in the later nineteenth century by “psychology,” which hitherto enjoyed only infre - quent use.
- "Then as the 'social listening' phenomenon started to get a big influx of media attention, the word gradually spread and users also found their way to"
- Goldfrank coined the name “Papa Franz” for Boas on the trip to Laguna in 1920, and the term gradually caught on among insiders, both men and women, in the anthropology department.
- Not only the central bank noted the dampening effect of the strengthening currency, but also used the term gradually in describing the pace at which it intends to withdraw liquidity, thereby, signalling the likelihood that it could stand pat in December.
- As the term gradually came to be used, a "university" was one of these major, international schools that was distinguished from others by its possessing an official charter (granted by a royal or ecclesiastical authority), a set of statutes, and an established form of governing itself.
- Originally used to designate the burial-place of a confessor or martyr (known also as a memoria or martyrion), this term gradually came to have a variety of applications: the altar erected over the grave; the underground cubiculum which contained the tomb; the high altar of the basilica erected over the confession; later on in the
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