IPA: grˈændɔtɝ
- The daughter of someone's child.
Examples of "granddaughter" in Sentences
- My granddaughter is a little miss bossy but I still love her!
- The visit by Hymel, his daughter and granddaughter is even more precious now, Toce said.
- So my delicious DeLight today is I call my granddaughter Haley, and tomorrow is Jason Day.
- In this, the granddaughter is not all that ineffectual, but self-centered in the absolute, even nefarious.
- – I feel like the paragraph where the narrator explains why the grandfather hates his granddaughter is a bit of an infodump.
- Meg, the pattern my granddaughter is wearing in the picture I provided a link to yesterday is called Harmony, by Candace Eisner Strick.
- The overall feeling, however, results in the notion that the granddaughter is a plucky, self-centered, 21st century bitch who has to be taught that she cannot have what the real men of the 1950s can: real mechanized power firing on eight cylinders.