IPA: grˈispˈeɪnt
- A mixture of grease and colouring matter used as theatrical makeup
Examples of "greasepaint" in Sentences
- Their crimes were written in greasepaint across their faces.
- Even today, in live theater, actors apply makeup that is so heavy it is called greasepaint.
- Then a three-foot iguana strolls by, followed by a Marine on patrol in greasepaint and camouflage.
- Alongside a handful of very fine professional actors are a few old rugby pals who agreed to wear the greasepaint.
- Those of you with HD televisions might want to try and identify which of the contestants are quietly sobbing under all their greasepaint.
- Effectively, it makes the greasepaint permanent, blurring the lines not only between public and private but also between the authentic and contrived self.
- What may have initially seemed like a trio of Buster Keaton-like magician/musicians clad in shiny blue greasepaint over latex skull caps has evolved into a mass-marketable phenomenon for the LED generation.
- Were enough of us to recognize that the two seemingly impregnable major political parties were likewise fabricated on falsehoods, and that behind the greasepaint was a two-headed corporatist monolith intent on wringing all of the wealth from every corner of the world, we might see the collapse of that charade as well.