IPA: grˈeɪtkoʊt
- A heavy overcoat.
Examples of "greatcoat" in Sentences
- One was male, dressed in a greatcoat over a buttoned-up vest and brown trousers.
- "Bill called a greatcoat-clad sergeant over to stand at the fifty-yard target backstop.
- He reached beneath his tattered greatcoat and drew forth a cutlass that dripped with black ichor.
- She was speaking to Snaff, Zojja, and Caithe, and judging by her short greatcoat, she was a person of importance.
- In the two hundred mile forced march across Greece, he had discarded his blanket and greatcoat rather than leave his precious viola.
- His greatcoat was a trifle heavy, and the length of it occasionally got in his way, but he was loath to abandon the perfectly good garment.
- ~61~~ "I am afraid I have made rather an absurd mistake about that strange garment of yours, Lawless; I suppose it is some new kind of greatcoat, is it not?"
- Her usual dress was a shift, with a whole sailroom of frills about the sleeves and bosom, and a heavy pink taffeta petticoat, (gowns being only worn by these fair ones as you put on a greatcoat, that is, when they go abroad,) and a small round apron like a flap of black silk.
- Adams stood up and presented a figure to the gentleman which would have moved laughter in many; for his cassock had just again fallen down below his greatcoat, that is to say, it reached his knees, whereas the skirts of his greatcoat descended no lower than half-way down his thighs; but the gentleman's mirth gave way to his surprize at beholding such a personage in such a place.