IPA: grˈeɪɫi
- In a grey way; in partial light.
- With a dreary or gloomy countenance.
Examples of "greyly" in Sentences
- The interior of the kitchen we now saw greyly for the first time.
- Steve sat facing the future and three walls that rose greyly around him like the cove of a cave.
- An example: “The grey voice of the grey Seaforth glided greyly on to their ears, like a tide of putrescent grey molasses.”
- I got a compartment to myself, and sat with folded arms, looking greyly at the sunlit devastation that flowed past the windows.
- The night closed around them - small sounds, light sighing wind, stars showing in sparkling bunches between greyly drifting clouds.
- The mattress was partly transparent, a fact he observed with a strange sense of insecurity, and below it was a mirror reflecting him greyly.
- The steeple – clock, perched up above the houses, emerging from beneath another of the countless ripples in the tide of time that regularly roll and break on the eternal shore, is greyly visible, like a stone beacon, recording how the sea flows on; but within doors, dawn, at first, can only peep at night, and see that it is there.
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