IPA: grˈɔɪn
- The crease or depression of the human body at the junction of the trunk and the thigh, together with the surrounding region.
- The area adjoining this fold or depression.
- (architecture) The projecting solid angle formed by the meeting of two vaults
- (euphemistic) The genitals.
- (geometry) The surface formed by two such vaults.
- (marine engineering) A rigid hydraulic structure built perpendicularly from an ocean shore or a river bank, interrupting water flow and limiting the movement of sediment.
- Alternative spelling of groyne [An often wooden structure that projects from a coastline to prevent erosion, longshore drift etc.; a breakwater.]
- To deliver a blow to the genitals of.
- (architecture) To build with groins.
- (literary, transitive) To hollow out; to excavate.
- To grunt; to growl; to snarl; to murmur.
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