
IPA: hˈæbʌɫʌmʌnt


  • Clothes, especially clothing appropriate for someone's job, status, or to an occasion.
  • Equipment or furnishings characteristic of a place or being; trappings.

Examples of "habiliment" in Sentences

  • Sure your lordship's habiliment desarves to be as immaculate as your lordship's character.
  • She even wished to refuse him: – but Beech Park, the equipage, the servants, the bridal habiliment.
  • In the United Kingdom, as in other modern liberal democracies, there are few, if any, estrictions upon one's choice of habiliment.
  • Madame L'Espanaye and her daughter lived an exceedingly retired life — saw no company — seldom went out — had little use for numerous changes of habiliment.
  • It was precisely that virile habiliment to which a well-known gallant captain alludes in his conversation with the posthumous appearance of Miss Bailey, as containing a Bank of England 5 pound note.
  • And all this while they furnished them and garnished them of good men of arms, and victual, and of all manner of habiliment that pretendeth to the war, to avenge them for the battle of Bedegraine, as it telleth in the book of adventures following.
  • “Why, then,” said Dick, giving the head-band of his breeches a knowing hoist with one hand, and kicking out one foot behind him to accommodate the adjustment of that important habiliment, “I dares to say the pass will be kend weel eneugh on the road, an that be all.”
  • Britannia, or her genius in the usual habiliment, a scroll — she appeared seated and behind her a figure of Hercules, emblematic of the great work so completely and speedily performed: above Fame appeared with a medallion of his Lordship and in the background a perspective view of
  • As Vivaldi expressed his incredulity, however, he returned to examine the garment once more, when, as he raised it, he observed, what had before escaped his notice, black drapery mingled with the heap beneath; and, on lifting this also on the point of his sword, he perceived part of the habiliment of a monk!

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