
IPA: hˈæbɪtʌbˈɪɫɪti


  • The property of being habitable.

Examples of "habitability" in Sentences

  • The landlord’s implied warranty of habitability is 40 years old or so, and, again, is entrenched.
  • Vulnerability to tropical cyclones and potential sea level rise make the long-term habitability of the atoll uncertain.
  • Vulnerability to tropical cyclones and potential sea level rise makes the long-term habitability of the atoll uncertain.
  • It'll be money well spent: Thousands of jobs will be created and the long-term habitability of the North Coast will be enhanced.
  • That Dems recognize science as the best tool humanity has to improve the human condition and ensure the long term habitability of this planet.
  • He described the incident as a "habitability" issue for plant employees because of the escaping refrigerant Freon, which is being released out of the building through the plant's ventilation system.
  • So while the number of exoplanets is rising rapidly, with an implicit hope to find planets with conditions suitable for life, many questions remain about the very long-term habitability that the Earth has enjoyed.
  • The music industry alone is said to be worth over 32 billion dollars annually and so with the every increasing number of paid downloads for music and rise of other digital media the potential for this idea to make a significant impact on the long term habitability of this planet is vast.

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