
IPA: hʌbˈɪtʃueɪt


  • To make accustomed; to accustom; to familiarize.
  • (obsolete) To settle as an inhabitant.

Examples of "habituate" in Sentences

  • You habituate to your own smell.
  • He tried to habituate his livestock.
  • That I will habituate and lose the vision.
  • As visitors travel through the site, they habituate to this gradient.
  • Eventually the subject becomes habituated to the stimulus and ignores it.
  • Human beings "habituate" to repetitive light-stimuli light flickering light.
  • But then we habituate to our new possessions, and our happiness level falls back to where it was.
  • And thus, over time, readers habituate to how inherently political is the "Muslims are coming to get us" plot.
  • Yes, some teachers and parents reflexively hand out the equivalent of a doggie biscuit every few minutes, the result being that kids habituate to it and it has no impact.
  • Emotional rewards from novel stimuli are processed by dopamine receptors in the striatum, but the brain is designed to habituate, that is, not get so excited by repeated stimuli.
  • A deplorable number of recent works habituate us to thinking about Afghanistan as what Liam Fox, Britain's defence secretary, called a "broken 13th-century country", defined solely by pathologically violent men and silently brutalised women.
  • The authors say that the command-and-control approach often used with dogs never works with cats (and will likely spur them to escape their harness and dash off), so it's important to know how to motivate them, how to reassure them when they get nervous, and how to habituate them to the sometimes-scary sounds and sights of the great outdoors.

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