IPA: hˈɛmʌtˈɑɫʌdʒɪst
- A scientist, usually a medical doctor, who specializes in haematology.
Examples of "haematologist" in Sentences
- I would like to know of any good haematologist in the Guadalajara area.
- But haematologist, Gero Htter, of the Charite University tsmedizin in Berlin, took the search for a donor one step further.
- I have worked in the NHS since 1974, and I am married to a consultant haematologist, and I cannot recognise these gross caricatures.
- Dr Moji Gesindo, a consultant haematologist at Leeds Blood Centre, says that the average person can lose 15% of their blood volume without fainting.
- The haematologist looked so stricken when he gave us the six-month deadline that neither of us felt we could react or cry then and there, for fear of upsetting him more.
- The plot develops along similar lines to Stephenie Meyer's The Host, with the haematologist on the run from his own kind and living with a band of rebel humans who don't quite trust him.
- The plot itself is pretty good - the vampires are still unused to their sudden ascendance and have ambiguous feelings about it, embodied in the two brothers, one a grunt in the human-hunting army who seems content with the way humans are treated, the other a haematologist who tolerates the situation as a temporary measure but has many regrets.