
IPA: hˈæg


  • A witch, sorceress, or enchantress; a wizard.
  • (derogatory) An ugly old woman.
  • (derogatory) An evil woman.
  • A fury; a she-monster.
  • A hagfish; one of various eel-like fish of the family Myxinidae, allied to the lamprey, with a suctorial mouth, labial appendages, and a single pair of gill openings.
  • A hagdon or shearwater; one of various sea birds of the genus Puffinus.
  • (obsolete) An appearance of light and fire on a horse's mane or a person's hair.
  • The fruit of the hagberry, Prunus padus.
  • (uncountable, slang) Sleep paralysis.
  • (Northern England) A small wood, or part of a wood or copse, which is marked off or enclosed for felling, or which has been felled.
  • A marshy hollow, especially an area of peat lying lower than surrounding moorland, formed by erosion of a gully or cutting and often having steep edges.


  • (transitive) To harass; to weary with vexation.

Examples of "hag" in Sentences

  • Jan from boca raton ..... are you mad the hag is done? ostriches burying our heads in the sand
  • The term yamanba comes from a mountain hag, known as Yama-uba, whom the fashion is thought to resemble.
  • Shakespeare generally uses the word in an uncomplimentary sense -- 'hag' -- but it is not so used here.
  • To what you call the hag-ridden moron jittering out of sight in your mind, so many things equate to a threat to survival.
  • Don’t make judgments about the particulars—Oh my God, I just used the word hag—simply feel the direct sensations as they arise in your body.
  • A fag hag is a slang term for a woman who either associates mostly or exclusively with homosexual men, or is best or good friends to a gay man or men.
  • Margaret starts out as a many pleasing girl in France as good as ends up as a scolding, infamous aged hag; is which a story, or is it unequivocally dual plays?
  • _ -- Stones with holes through them were commonly called hag-stones, and were often attached to the key of the stable door to prevent witches riding the horses.

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