IPA: hˈɛr
- (countable) A pigmented filament of keratin which grows from a follicle on the skin of humans and other mammals.
- (uncountable) The collection or mass of such growths growing from the skin of humans and animals, and forming a covering for a part of the head or for any part or the whole body.
- (zoology, countable) A slender outgrowth from the chitinous cuticle of insects, spiders, crustaceans, and other invertebrates. Such hairs are totally unlike those of vertebrates in structure, composition, and mode of growth.
- (botany, countable) A cellular outgrowth of the epidermis, consisting of one or of several cells, whether pointed, hooked, knobbed, or stellated.
- (countable) Any slender, flexible outgrowth, filament, or fiber growing or projecting from the surface of an object or organism.
- (countable, engineering, firearms) A locking spring or other safety device in the lock of a rifle, etc., capable of being released by a slight pressure on a hair-trigger.
- (obsolete) Haircloth; a hair shirt.
- (countable) Any very small distance, or degree; a hairbreadth.
- (slang, uncountable) Complexity; difficulty; the quality of being hairy.
- A surname.
- (transitive) To remove the hair from.
- (intransitive) To grow hair (where there was a bald spot).
- (transitive) To cause to have or bear hair; to provide with hair
- To string the bow for a violin.
Examples of "hair" in Sentences
- Let me touch their hair with my fingers their hair
- _ Nina's hair had now to be done up and it is magnificent hair_, _lustrous_, _black_,
- samples = i haven't had hair in almost 40 years...thanks for rubbing 'that' in, pal...
- I wunner effen dis squirrel washed teh hair wif de Herbal Essences kind of shamp…..sham… washing stuffs!
- Since like charges repel, the hair strand will tend to push away from each other, causing the \ "flyaway hair\" effect.
- You look like a young witch with her cap off and her hair sorta mussed "her hands clutched at her hair" Oh, leave it, it looks good. "
- Dublin, has a lock of Stella's hair, enclosed in a paper by Swift, on which are written, in the Dean's hand, the words: "_Only a woman's hair_."
- The other kind of skin glands, the hair glands, are also pouches growing out from the deepest part of the stem of the hair, known as the root, or _hair bulb_.
- Kyou with short hair at the end looks the same ... chiaki: Kyou with short hair is fine too. but yeah i still prefer her long hair~ XD i wish they didnt packed this ...
- Evergreen hair regenerator uses the ¡°hair follicle revival¡± therapy, by which a lotion composed of extracts of traditional Chinese medicinal materials selected for their superior properties is applied to the afflicted parts of the scalp and, with the help of high-efficiency transdermal therapeutic systems (TTS), the extracts are enabled to enter and revive the failing follicle cells.