
IPA: hˈæfhˈɑɫʌdeɪ


  • Half of a working or school day set aside for recreation on a special occasion.
  • (historical) A religious festival lasting for half a day.

Examples of "half-holiday" in Sentences

  • There were no hoops, no cricket-bats, as usual on a half-holiday.
  • It is in this way that a schoolboy hears of a half-holiday; but this was
  • Oh! for a half-holiday, and a quiet corner, and one of those books again!
  • This is the day of our rifle-club; there is little business to do; I grant a half-holiday.
  • It was Wednesday, a half-holiday, as everybody knows, and boiled-beef day at Slaughter House.
  • Also, they expect the Saturday half-holiday to give work to one additional man for each eleven previously employed.
  • It was a fine summer day, and our little school had obtained a half-holiday, by the intercession of a good-humoured visitor. 3 3
  • And our naval annals owe some of their interest to the fantastic and beautiful appearance of old warships and the romance that invests the sea and everything sea-going in the eyes of English lads on a half-holiday at the coast.
  • The Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners, for instance, serves notice on the Master Builders 'Association that it demands an increase of the wage of its members from $3.50 a day to $4.00, and a Saturday half-holiday without pay.
  • I came into it in that dead hour of the afternoon which is neither after lunch nor before tea, nor anything else even on a half-holiday; and I had a fantastic feeling that I had strayed into a lost and extra hour that is not numbered in the twenty-four.

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