
IPA: hæɫʌɫ


  • (Judaism) A hymn of praise chanted during the Passover supper, consisting of Psalms cxiii to cxviii.

Examples of "hallel" in Sentences

  • Hallel and the Jewish holy days.
  • HUD will take evryone. .free insurance for all … let say hallel tomorrow
  • The first passover requires hallel (179) during eating, but the second does not require hallel during eating.
  • Sprenger (Leben Moh.iii. 527) and Lagarde have rightly correlated the Hebrew _hallel_ with the Arabic _ahalla_ (to call out,
  • Ps. 113-118, inclusive, constitute the "hallel" recited at the three great feasts, at the new moon, and on the eight days of the feast of dedication.
  • Both require hallel in their preparations, and the paschal sacrifices must be eaten roasted on unleavened bread with bitter herbs, and they both abrogate the Sabbath.
  • When the attendants mixed for him the third cup (188) he says the blessing for his food, with the fourth cup he finished the hallel, and said over it the blessing of the Song. (
  • How do you balance the psychological and halakhic issue of not being able to wear tefillin and tzitzit during shaharit & hallel against the ability to daven them at the kotel or, more precisely, in the main section?
  • (Matthew 21: 9,15; Mark 11: 9,10; John 12: 13) The Psalm from which it was taken, the 118th, was one with which they were familiar from being accustomed to recite the 25th and 26th verses at the feast of tabernacles, forming a part of the great hallel.
  • Lastly, Here is the close of the solemnity with a hymn (v. 30); They sang a hymn or psalm; whether the psalms which the Jews usually sang at the close of the passover-supper, which they called the great hallel, that is, Ps. 113 and the five that follow it, or whether some new hymn more closely adapted to the occasion, is uncertain; I rather think the former; had it been new, John would not have omitted to record it.
  • Women are exempt from time-bound mitzvot decreed by the rabbis such as hallel and would also have been exempted from Hanukkah candle lighting, the four glasses of wine at Passover, eating bitter herbs after the destruction of the Temple and other practices at the seder including hallel and reading the Megillah on Purim, were it not for the fact that women are also included in those miracles (Encyclopedia Talmudit, Isha 257: 2).

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