
IPA: hˈæɫoʊ


  • (obsolete outside set phrases) A saint; a holy person; an apostle.
  • (obsolete, in the plural) The relics or shrines of saints or non-Christian gods.
  • A shout, cry; a hulloo.


  • (transitive) To make holy, to sanctify.
  • To shout, especially to urge on dogs for hunting.


  • Alternative spelling of hollow [(of something solid) Having an empty space or cavity inside.]

Examples of "hallow" in Sentences

  • In Scripture, the word hallow is a synonym for the word sanctify.
  • The root word of Halloween is "hallow," which means "holy, consecrated and set apart for service."
  • Our evenings were such as hallow and make the luxury of cottage life -- evenings yielded up to cheerfulness, to content and harmony.
  • Strengthen the bonds of friendship among the inhabitants of all lands, and may the love of Your name hallow every home and every heart.
  • A hallow is the royal regalia carried by the King, or the objects sought by someone such as a 'Grail Quester' In other words: horcruxes.
  • As Christianity worked its way through Europe the day came to be known as All Hallows Eve, and that which was hallow, meaning holy or to be revered, was honored.
  • We have a new civic architecture that is either a kind of hallow facade, or whose expansion provides a backdoor way to demand new funding for government services.
  • Christ in our hearts, then our hearts are temples; and if we 'hallow' the Christ that dwells within us, we shall take care that there are no foul things in that sanctuary.
  • The word Halloween, as you may well recall, is derived from two words: "hallow," meaning "to bless" -- and nothing says blessing like a gooey green spook -- and "een," the noise your mouth makes when you're prying the caramel out of your molars.
  • Tabernacle; and first, the holy place, which the priests daily entered and which is called in verse 16 'the tent of meeting,' and next, the altar of burnt offering in the outer court, are in like manner sprinkled seven times with the blood, to 'hallow' them 'from the uncleanness of the children of Israel' (verse 19).

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