
IPA: hˈeɪɫoʊ


  • A circular band of coloured light, visible around the sun or moon etc., caused by reflection and refraction of light by ice crystals in the atmosphere.
  • (astronomy) A cloud of gas and other matter surrounding and captured by the gravitational field of a large diffuse astronomical object, such as a galaxy or cluster of galaxies.
  • Anything resembling this band, such as an effect caused by imperfect developing of photographs.
  • (religion) nimbus, a luminous disc, often of gold, around or over the heads of saints, etc., in religious paintings.
  • The metaphorical aura of glory, veneration or sentiment which surrounds an idealized entity.
  • (advertising) The bias caused by the halo effect.
  • (art, religion, iconography) a circular annulus ring, frequently luminous, often golden, floating above the head
  • (medicine) A circular brace used to keep the head and neck in position.
  • (motor racing) A rollbar placed in front of the driver, used to protect the cockpit of an open cockpit racecar.
  • (informal) A member of the Angels Major League Baseball team.
  • (automotive) Short for halo headlight. [(automotive) A kind of headlight arranged in a circular pattern.]
  • (parachuting) Acronym of high altitude, low opening. A type of skydiving where one leaves the launch platform from a high altitude and opens the parachute at a very low altitude.
  • Acronym of hazardous area life-support organization.
  • (aviation) Acronym of high altitude, low orbiting.


  • (transitive) To encircle with a halo.

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