IPA: hʌmˈɑrʃʌ
- (Greek drama) The tragic flaw of the protagonist in a literary tragedy.
- (Christianity) Sin.
- (pathology) A focal malformation consisting of disorganized arrangement of tissue types.
Examples of "hamartia" in Sentences
- Your hamartia is your: a. tragic flaw that leads to your downfall.
- In essence, hamartia means “mistake,” pure and simple—although the mistake is never pure and rarely simple.
- Most common, however, is "hamartia," a term from archery meaning to "miss the mark" particularly by falling short.
- Yet in every Greek tragedy the catalyst for the protagonist’s downfall is hamartia, from the Greek hamartanein, a term that describes an archer missing the target.
- It was for Alexander a tragic flaw, or hamartia, a Greek word meaning to miss the mark when shooting an arrow Christians would later use the same word to mean “sin”.