IPA: hˈændbæskʌt
- A basket with a handle.
Examples of "handbasket" in Sentences
- I repeat, the country is going to hell in a handbasket.
- Dog scams … the world is truly going to hell in a handbasket.
- There's a ticket to hell in handbasket with a Christian twist.
- For sure this country is headed to HELL in a handbasket from the comments written.
- Where are we going & what's with this handbasket? heya meredith, I'm talking to you ...
- December 15th, 2009 4: 35 pm ET so now we're all going to hell in handbasket, dead broke and socialists too. we need a revolution
- Some of her sharper observations in the sometimes profanity-laced blog, titled "Where are we going & why are we in this handbasket," did raise eyebrows.
- In this time of e-books, Ipad apps, dwindling sales of traditional books, and fear that we are going to hell in a handbasket where do you think things will be by the time you are ready for a second edition of your book, say ten years from now?
- I’m trying to stay very optimistic and excited about the whole thing, but deep down I know that I’m going down in a blaze of gunfire, in a handbasket, that is on fire, and filled with electric eels, in the midst of a meteor shower, surrounded by my mother’s nagging voice, only to end it all by being impaled on a wrought iron fence.