IPA: hˈændikæp
- Something that prevents, hampers, or hinders.
- (sports) An allowance of a certain amount of time or distance in starting, granted in a race (or other contest of skill) to the competitor possessing disadvantages; or an additional weight or other hindrance imposed upon the one possessing advantages, in order to equalize, as much as possible, the chances of success.
- (sometimes considered offensive) The disadvantage itself, in particular physical or mental disadvantages of people.
- A race or similar contest in which there is an allowance of time, distance, weight, or other advantage, to equalize the chances of the competitors.
- (obsolete, uncountable, card games) An old card game, similar to lanterloo.
- (obsolete, uncountable) Synonym of hand-in-cap (“old English trading game”)
- (transitive) To encumber with a handicap in any contest.
- (transitive, figurative, by extension) To place at disadvantage.
- To estimate betting odds.
Examples of "handicap" in Sentences
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