
IPA: hˈæŋoʊvɝ


  • Negative effects, such as headache or nausea, caused by previous drunkenness due to (excessive) consumption of alcohol.
  • Similar negative effects caused by previous excessive consumption of another substance, such as a drug, coffee, sugar, etc.
  • (figurative) An unpleasant relic left from prior events.
  • (historical) A sleeping arrangement, usually in homeless shelters, over a rope.

Examples of "hangover" in Sentences

  • The best thing I have found, so far, to beat a hangover is a tin of oily fish like mackerel.
  • "The term hangover cure is oxymoronic because there is no real cure for a hangover," he says.
  • Water covers a large chunk of the hangover, but the other part of a hangover is alcohol withdrawal.
  • The term hangover, to describe the morning-after effects of excessive drinking, was coined in 1904, says Wikipedia.
  • The term hangover was originally a 19th century expression describing unfinished business-something left over from a meeting-or 'survival.'
  • The funniest thing about the hangover is the joke the filmmakers pulled off by convincing the general public that the hangover is a great comedy.
  • Having a hangover is awful and to get one it all depends on who is drinking, what they are drinking, and how their body reacts to that type of alcohol.
  • Part of your hangover is the need to rehydrate; Pedialyte is excellent for that, as are things like Gatorade and Smart Water, or even just plain old water.
  • The Breeze could smoke all night, polish off a bottle of tequila, maintain well enough to drive the forty miles back to Pine Cove without arousing the suspicion of a single cop, and be on the beach by nine the next morning acting as if the term hangover were too abstract to be considered.
  • The Breeze could smoke all night, polish off a bottle of tequila, maintain well enough to drive the forty miles back to Pine Cove without arousing the suspicion of a single cop, and be on the beach by nine the next morning acting as if the term hangover were too abstract to be con-sidered.

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