IPA: hæphˈæzɝd
- Simple chance, a random accident, luck.
- Random; chaotic; incomplete; not thorough, constant, or consistent.
- Haphazardly.
Examples of "haphazard" in Sentences
- What Bob Semro called "haphazard" is really personal freedom.
- No, y’all are using terms legal terms that have established meanings in haphazard and sloppy fashion.
- By contrast, Frost scolded the state in July for creating what he called a "haphazard application" of its death penalty protocols.
- Its February 2008 Final Report advised a collaborative "planned approach" - as opposed to "haphazard" - protecting Maine's "treasured ... scenic and natural resources."
- FEMA also deserves its share of blame for redirecting relief trucks around the area in haphazard fashion and in not ordering a streamlining of paperwork in the inital days following the levy break.
- I looked around me, at smashed remains: bricks tumbled in haphazard heaps, sections of roofs and walls, ripped apart as if by a giant and scattered like paper, no collection of building materials recognizable as a house for blocks in every direction.
- Probably because you haven’t entered the discussion – you just re-posted a smashed-together list of right-wing Israel justifications sans the really overt religious and racist ones, and posted it in haphazard fashion more akin to a retarded spambot than an actual person.