IPA: hˈɑrdkʌvɝ
- A book with a rigid binding, often of cardboard or leather.
- (of a book) Having a rigid binding.
Examples of "hardcover" in Sentences
- It will also be available in hardcover with pre-orders currently available on Amazon.
- On March 16, 2010, Twilight, the Graphic Novel Volume 1 will be released in hardcover by Yen Press.
- My review of Neil Gaiman's Batman: Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader? deluxe edition hardcover is up at Tor. com.
- I think his last book on the Monster case sold 80,000 copies in hardcover, which is a stunning amount for a book in Italy.
- I bought Hush when it came out in hardcover initially, but got distracted and only finished it now, some seven years or so later.
- There is only one author whose books I consistantly purchase in hardcover, and frankly, their run might be at an end because I was fairly disappointed in the last two outings.
- Hey no worries, I really like Pyr books, the first one I purchased was Moorcock and Constantine's Silverheart in hardcover, the latest was Abercrombie's Before They are Hanged.