
IPA: hˈɑrdwɝkɪŋ


  • Of a person, taking their work seriously and doing it well and rapidly.

Examples of "hardworking" in Sentences

  • West Africans are often described as hardworking, gregarious, generous and grateful.
  • Everybody knows that Obama was exceptionally bright and hardworking from a young age.
  • The media keeps asking the wrong question: Obama can't close in hardworking, white states.
  • TUCHMAN (voice over): West Africans are often described as hardworking, gregarious, generous, and grateful.
  • He added that the ban would discriminate against Canadian sealers, who he called hardworking people of modest means.
  • Shields was impressed by Justice, whom she called hardworking and "pretty tough, and I mean in the best sense of the word."
  • PITTSBURGH AP -- Coach Jamie Dixon's Pitt teams are commonly called hardworking, aggressive, defense-minded and resourceful.
  • While Hillary likes to break people into groups by sex and racial prejudice, ( "hardworking" is not limited to the hills of Kentucky and West Virginia) the fear group is composed of those who, for lack of thought or lack of care, don't know what change might mean.

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