
IPA: hˈɑrmɫʌs


  • Incapable of causing harm or danger; safe.
  • Not intended to harm; inoffensive.
  • (obsolete) Unharmed.

Examples of "harmless" in Sentences

  • The next shock wave is harmless.
  • The species is harmless to humans.
  • Medicinal leeches are perfectly harmless.
  • The rest of it seems pertinent and harmless.
  • The article says bellybutton lint is harmless.
  • If the latter is acceptable, the former is harmless.
  • The existence of the redirects is probably harmless.
  • The former is harmless while the latter is dangerous.
  • It was harmless and did not affect the appearance of the article.
  • The loss of eumelanin in the coat is, in these species, harmless.
  • Secret Service should know that terrorist can come in harmless but more harmful and dangerous inside.
  • But aside from all that, the notion that Yankee Stadium will render Giambi harmless is just plain silly.
  • Its harm can be mitigated or directed in harmless directions (ie Red Sox vs. Yankees), but never removed.
  • Often with only an hour or two notice, groups of folks, of various ages, gather to participate in harmless, goofy activity.
  • Our daily routine include attending lectures, facing one struggle or the other, fighting for the rights of students, studying, gisting with friends or just do "God knows what" in harmless ways.
  • Because they resemble certain harmless garter-snake like species, they were imported into the U.S. and U.K. under the wrong names, and ended up causing medically-significant emergencies when they bit their new owners.
  • So then we had the question then of whether it was subject to what we call harmless error, and we said, yes, it is, so then of the cases that had come up, we had to first see if there was error, and then if there was error, was it harmless beyond a reasonable doubt.
  • To understand the privacy issue one has to look at the big picture to understand that each new piece of information collected about us, no matter how seemingly harmless, is increasingly being added together with thousands of other data points to create an extremely intrusive, high-resolution picture of our lives.
  • When Pliny the younger was proprætor of the province of Pontica in Asia Minor, he wrote to ask the Emperor what to do about the Christians, telling him what he had been able to find out about them from two slave girls who had been tortured; namely, that they were wont to meet together at night or early morning, to sing together, and eat what he called a harmless social meal.

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