IPA: hɑrmʌnɪzˈeɪʃʌn
- An act of harmonizing.
Examples of "harmonization" in Sentences
- In my view, harmonization is about producing harmony.
- This is known as the harmonization of environmental standards.
- Was ever a word so misused as to take two taxes and call it harmonization?
- This attempt to conform to other countries is called "harmonization," which is a melodious word for "succumbing to peer pressure."
- One point must be very distinctly understood, namely, that what we call harmonization of a melody cannot be admitted as forming any part of folk song.
- David: If music school taught me anything, it's that four-part chorale harmonization is at least as arcane and specialized as anything Schoenberg came up with.
- Such coordination, sometimes referred to as harmonization, is sometimes misunderstood as intrusive and prescriptive, but it does not necessarily have to be so.
- I think harmonization is a feature because it's my understanding that the French and Germans have from the beginning of the EEC sought harmonization to prevent conflict.
- There's international harmonization, which is a global effort of governments, and in fact, I worked on some of that when I was with FDA for the global harmonization of inspections.
- It must be taken into account that it is naturally difficult for the woman to adapt herself to the man in the sexual relationship, that there is a natural unevenness of physical and psychological rhythms, so that there is a need for harmonization, which is impossible without good will, especially on the part of the man, who must carefully observe the reactions of the woman.