IPA: hˈeɪstʌɫi
- In a hasty manner; quickly or hurriedly.
- (obsolete) Soon, shortly.
Examples of "hastily" in Sentences
- Reacting and creating legislation hastily is not good government.
- “Goodbye, Arden,” I called hastily, peeking from around the tree and waving.
- A documenter's journal rested on my lap, capturing empirical relevance in hastily scribbled notes.
- Once home I take those notes, sometimes just a phrase hastily scrawled, and flesh it out into a story.
- Amylin hastily scheduled a conference call with analysts and investors Tuesday to discuss the FDA's action.
- Doctors, lawyers, and dentists began throwing up turbines or buying shares in hastily erected wind farms to take easy advantage of the benefits.
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