
IPA: hˈæzɝdʌs


  • Risky; dangerous; with the nature of a hazard.
  • Of or involving chance.

Examples of "hazardous" in Sentences

  • The conditions may be hazardous.
  • It is one of the most hazardous pesticides.
  • The epizootic was hazardous to the farm industry.
  • The adulterant contained hazardous chemical substances.
  • The circumstances of the Pearson executions were hazardous.
  • It is an alternative to the hazardous and potentially carcinogenic hydrazine.
  • Potential applications include industrial inspection and disaster rescue in hazardous locations.
  • However, he added: The participation in hazardous activities is much safer than what it was five years ago.
  • Pulsipher says rescuers were able to find the two other men who were stranded on what he calls a hazardous climb.
  • Learn more about the word "hazardous" and see usage examples across a range of subjects on the Vocabulary.com dictionary.
  • The word hazardous has appeared in 326 New York Times articles in the past year, including on Nov. 3 in "The Joys, and Frustrations, of Snow Days in November," by Winnie Hu and Nate Schweber:
  • We need to establish a permanent, global moratorium on offshore drilling and have a legally binding mechanism that prohibits companies from engaging in hazardous platform oil and natural gas drilling.
  • See, I c'n compost 'bout ev'thang organic, an 'I can turn them aluminum cans in, but the rest of th' trash I gotta pay for pickup, an 'on a farm, they's a lot of it what they call hazardous, an' thats extra.
  • Fisher is referring to $180 million in hazardous substance tax revenues that went to help balance the general fund last year (a one time deal from last year that hardly explains why the storm water clean up funds are scarce.)

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