IPA: hˈi
- (uncountable) The game of tag, or it, in which the player attempting to catch the others is called "he".
- The player who chases and attempts to catch the others in this game.
- (informal) A male.
- The name of the fifth letter of many Semitic alphabets (Phoenician, Aramaic, Hebrew, Syriac, Arabic and others).
- The name of the first letter of the Old South Arabian abjad.
- A surname from Mandarin.
- Initialism of high explosive. [A chemical explosive capable of detonation rather than solely of deflagration; a chemical explosive capable of reacting at a sufficiently-fast rate to produce a shock wave which propagates the reaction throughout the explosive mass; a chemical explosive capable of producing an explosion even when unconfined.]
- Initialism of higher education. [Education at university level or beyond.]
- Initialism of health education.
- Initialism of His Excellency / Her Excellency.
- Initialism of His Eminence. [(Roman Catholicism) An honorific style for a cardinal]
- Initialism of home entertainment.
- Initialism of human era (“current epoch”).
- Abbreviation of hydroelectricity. [electricity produced from the energy of moving water]
- Abbreviation of Hesse, a federal state of Germany. [A former realm and modern state of Germany.]
- Abbreviation of hydroelectric. [that generates electricity by converting the energy of moving water, or of steam escaping under high pressure]
Examples of "he" in Sentences
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