IPA: hʌɫˈoʊ
- "Hello!" or an equivalent greeting.
- (transitive) To greet with "hello".
Examples of "hello" in Sentences
- More tshirt jeans and hoodie fashion online look at my name hello :
- The doctors took the pen and wrote the word "hello" on a piece of paper.
- 1877: Thomas Edison suggests using the word hello as a telephone greeting.
- Anyone and everyone who wants to show up and say 'hello' is welcome to do so.
- The word hello got stuck in her mouth as she looked at a bloodied and battered Derek De Graff.
- Step 1: Identifying Recognition Confusion Using the Simple Speech Recognizer, add the word "hello" to the list of words to be recognized.
- During the investigation, the UKBA found one prospective student, interviewed by phone, could only answer most questions with the word "hello".
- A quick "hello" is more than enough in most cases, and when you run into many people every day, greeting everyone is neither necessary nor preferred.
- Slide 35: AST変換: @Category / @Mixin interface Mixed {} @Category (Mixed) class CatClass {def hello () {println \ "hello\"}} @Mixin (CatClass) class MyClass implements Mixed {} x = new MyClass () x. hello () ※ interface Mixedの意義が不明。