
IPA: hˈɛmʌtˈɛmʌsɪs


  • (American spelling, medicine) Blood within vomitus; the vomiting of blood.

Examples of "hematemesis" in Sentences

  • An additional element of complication in this case was the occurrence of occasional attacks of hematemesis.
  • Nausea, vomiting and hematemesis are quite common and may occur in patients with only mild theophylline toxicity.
  • A sharp angle of the broken plate had caught in a fold of the cardiac end of the stomach and had caused violent hematemesis.
  • Blaxland 10.202 relates the instance of a woman of forty-five who swallowed a fish bone, was seized with violent hematemesis, and died in eight hours.
  • In this connection may be mentioned the case reported by Hanford 12.129 of a man of twenty-three who had an attack of hematemesis and melanema two years before death.
  • The severe gastrointestinal bleeding causes frequent, and at times violent, hematemesis (vomiting of blood), and it was this symptom that earned the sickness the name of vómito prieto.
  • Channing 14.171 gives an account of the case of Helen Miller, a German Jewess of thirty, who was admitted to the Asylum for Insane Criminals at Auburn, N. Y., in October, 1872, and readmitted in June, 1875, suffering from simulation of hematemesis.
  • Its fruitpulp is used as mild laxative, against fevers, arthritis, vatavyadhi (nervous system diseases), all kinds of rakta-pitta (bleeding, such as hematemesis or hemorrhages), as well as cardiac conditions and stomach problems such as acid reflux.
  • D'Andradé 1.6 cites an account of a healthy Parsee lady, eighteen years of age, who menstruated regularly from thirteen to fifteen and a half years; the catamenia then became irregular and she suffered occasional hemorrhages from the gums and nose, together with attacks of hematemesis.

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