
IPA: hɛmʌtˈɑpˈɔɪtɪk


  • Of or pertaining to hematopoiesis.

Examples of "hematopoietic" in Sentences

  • Bone marrow and umbilical cord blood are known to contain what are called hematopoietic blood-making stem cells.
  • Duncan BW, Harrison MR, Flake AW, Bethel CI, Bigler ME, Roncorolo MG: Immune response in hematopoietic chimeric rhesus monkeys.
  • Janzen et al have shown that caspase-3 null mice harbour long term hematopoietic stem cells to a higher extent compared to the wild type animal
  • Zanjani ED, Flake AW, Rice HE, Hedrick MH, Tavassoli M: Long-term hematopoietic repopulating ability of enogenic transplanted human fetal liver stem cell (HSC) in sheep.
  • Several different and diverse types of leukocytes exist, but they are all produced and derived from a multipotent cell in the bone marrow known as a hematopoietic stem cell.
  • Doctors have been using adult stem cells, such as the blood-forming type in bone marrow (called hematopoietic stem cells), to perform bone marrow transplants for over 40 years.
  • The entirety of human blood, for instance, can arise from a single, highly potent blood-forming stem cell called a hematopoietic stem cell, which typically lives buried inside the bone marrow.

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