
IPA: hɛmʌpɫˈidʒiʌ


  • Total or partial inability to move one side of the body.

Examples of "hemiplegia" in Sentences

  • Most commonly seen is hemiplegia where one side of the body becomes weaker than the other side.
  • Each child's weakness or hemiplegia will be different depending on the location, type, and severity of the stroke.
  • The Children's Hemiplegia and Stroke Association (CHASA) was incorporated in 1999 to provide assistance, information and counseling to families of children who have hemiplegia, hemiparesis, or childhood stroke.www. hemikids.org
  • For example, patients suffering from anosognosia seem to lack any awareness that they have a neurological problem most commonly hemiplegia, that is, paralysis or weakness of one side of the body following a stroke or other injury to the brain.
  • Paralysis of one-half of the body is known as hemiplegia and results from destruction or severe disturbances of the cerebral hemisphere of the opposite side of the body or from interference with nerve paths between the cerebellum, or small brain, and the spinal cord.
  • HemiHelp is a website in Great Britain formed by a group of parents in 1990 to offer information and support to children and young people with hemiplegia, to their families or carers and to the professionals who work with them and to increase general awareness of the condition.
  • Black stools sometimes attend the commencement of hemiplegia, which is probably an effusion of blood from the biliary duct, where the liver is previously affected; or some blood may be derived to the intestines by its escaping from the vena cava into the receptacle of chyle during the distress of the paralytic attack; and may be conveyed from thence into the intestines by the retrograde motions of the lacteals; as probably sometimes happens in diabætes.

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