
IPA: hˈoʊpɫʌsnʌs


  • the lack of hope; despair

Examples of "hopelessness" in Sentences

  • Still, I really wanted to feel a deeper sense of hopelessness from the diggers.
  • The bipartisan committment to hopelessness is thus ensured for another four years.
  • What struck me most about I Am Legend was how it comprised a study in hopelessness and despair.
  • Bihar is a sun-bleached state of 90 million people in the east of India, and it has for decades been a byword for hopelessness.
  • Over 90% of what looks like hopelessness is just a recording that's paper thin, and right beyond it is them waiting to bust through.
  • At times, too, now, she almost bent before what seemed her fate, in hopelessness of escaping from it; and at those times she strove to accommodate herself to it, and tried to propitiate her captor.
  • Wente acknowledges that suicide bombers like Aayat are driven to bombing by hopelessness and despair - but that this "hopelessness" is largely a creation of a culture that glorifies death and shoves the joy of "martyrdom" down the throats of the young.

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