IPA: hˈɑrhaʊnd
- Any plant of the genus Marrubium.
- Any plant of the genus Ballota.
- A herb (Marrubium vulgare), of the mint family, traditionally used as a cough remedy and to make a type of hard candy.
Examples of "horehound" in Sentences
- My grandma always keeps a stash of horehound candy in her purse for when she needs a quick pick-me-up
- Horehound is a popular herb used in traditional medicine for its soothing properties on the throat and stomach
- The bitter taste of horehound can be off-putting for some, but others find it quite enjoyable
- Horehound tea is often recommended as a natural remedy for coughs and colds
- I planted some horehound in my herb garden this year to try making my own homemade cough drops