
IPA: hˈɔrnbim


  • A tree of the genus Carpinus, having a smooth gray bark and a ridged trunk, the wood being white and very hard, common along the banks of streams in the United States.
  • A hop hornbeam (Ostrya virginiana).
  • The wood of these trees.

Examples of "hornbeam" in Sentences

  • Starlings flitter in the branches of the dead hornbeam by the fence.
  • Charlotte Moss This window in a hornbeam hedge at d'Orsan provides a view of the enfilade of outdoor rooms.
  • The foundation of the arches was fashioned in 1993, and it took several years for the hornbeam to cover them.
  • Photograph by Alexandre Bailhache Shown here in autumn, the Prieur é is surrounded by arched hornbeam hedges.
  • As my patient husband remarked recently, "I understand now: box, yew, hornbeam and more box, yew and hornbeam."
  • The repetition of boxwood, yew and hornbeam—stalwarts of the French garden—creates an overall harmony, a symphony in green.
  • Then Cicero and I rose early one morning, while the rest of the household was asleep, and took it into the nearby woods and buried it between a hornbeam and an ash.
  • Photograph by Alexandre Bailhache Pleached hornbeam arches and chestnut pergolas create verdant alleys connecting one garden room to the next and provide shaded, secluded walks.
  • We were looking for hardhack, the local name for hop hornbeam, a heavy, dense hardwood that wears extremely well and is, according to Mr. Owens, the very best material from which to make a jumper.
  • The first frost had come and the colour was already in the hornbeam as I gathered up a clump of bulbs to bring with me to my new home in Somerset and, weather permitting, I expect to have them in flower until the end of the month.

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