IPA: hˈɔrsmʌn
- A man who rides a horse.
- A soldier on horseback, especially a cavalryman.
- A man skilled in horsemanship, especially an equestrian.
- (especially UK, agriculture, archaic) A man in charge of work horses; a teamster.
- (especially UK, archaic) A man in charge of transport horses; a hostler (ostler).
- (archaic) Any of the swift-running land crabs of the genus Ocypode.
- (archaic) Any fish of the genus Equetus.
- A fictional beast that is part horse and part man.
- A surname originating as an occupation.
- An unincorporated community in Barron County, Wisconsin, United States.
Examples of "horseman" in Sentences
- The horseman galloped through the meadow, his silhouette cutting through the golden light of the setting sun
- The mysterious horseman wore a cloak that billowed in the wind as he rode across the open plain
- The horseman's steed was a magnificent stallion, its mane flowing as they raced through the forest
- The horseman raised his sword triumphantly as he led his troops into battle, fearless and determined
- Legends of the horseman, said to be a ghostly figure haunting the old road, filled the villagers with dread